How do I use Admin Commands in Conan Exiles?
Note: This is a work in progress (not all commands have been released yet)
Here's how you can use them!
Admin Commands
Command | Parameter(s) | Explanation |
MakeMeAdmin |
AdminPassword |
Grants admin permissions. |
MakeMeNormal |
None |
Removes admin permissions. |
SummonPlayer |
PlayerName |
Teleports the specified player to your location. |
TeleportPlayer |
x y z |
Teleports yourself to the specified coordinates. |
SpawnItem |
ItemID Quantity |
Spawns the specified item in the specified quantity. |
ViewPlayer |
PlayerName |
Spectate the specified player remotely. |
God |
None |
Toggles godmode. |
Fly |
None |
Toggles fly. |
Ghost |
None |
Toggles noclip. |
ToggleDebugHUD |
None |
Displays ping, player count, and SFPS in the top right corner of the screen. Displays player coordinates in the bottom left corner of the screen. |
Ctrl-Alt-Shift-L |
None |
Opens a small window containing your coordinates. You can copy them with Ctrl+C for use with TeleportPlayer. |
Logging in as Admin
To login as admin, Press escape and go to the Settings menu. Once in the Settings menu go into Server Settings and click Make Me Admin. Once you have done this you can open the Admin Panel below.
Using the admin panel.Step 1:
Follow the steps above to login as admin.
Step 2:
Press escape and open the Admin Panel.
In this Admin panel, you have the abillity to use helpful commands such as, Teleporting, Changing Time, Spawning Gear and Banning players.