Why Would I want this?:
Recently we have noticed an increase in A2S & Source engine query attacks.
This firewall subscription would allow you to block IPs from querying your server on the fly.
Giving you the ultimate protection against those who want to crash your server!
We will still be supplying our global firewalls free of charge.
This system is available for those limited number of attacks that get through or aren't added to our Firewall rules.
Purchase the addon from your billing panel
How do I ban IPs?
Step 1:
Log into your game panel and click the 'Firewall Ban IPs' button
Step 2:
You will see the following screen to start you need to accept the terms of service:
This has to be ticked every time or the script will not execute.
Terms of Service
Step 3:
Enter the IPs you wish to block from connecting to your server.
For example we use:,,,
Please ensure it is entered in this exact sequence.
You must have a comma between each IP or the script will not work correctly.
Step 4:
Press 'Execute' and you should see similar to the following:
The IPs shown have now been blocked
How do I unban IPs?
Step 1:
Log into your game panel and click the 'Firewall Ban IPs' button
Step 2:
You will see the following screen to start you need to accept the terms of service:
This has to be ticked every time or the script will not execute.
Terms of Service
Step 3:
Simply remove the IP you wish to unban / unblock from the list.
Make sure that there is still a comma between each IP.
We have removed IP:
Step 4:
Click execute and this will remove the IP from your firewall!
- Please leave any IPs you wish to keep blocked in the list!
- You must also always have an IP in this file! We suggest the use of