How to add Steam Workshop Maps

In this tutorial we'll be covering the basics of adding a Workshop Map to your Chivarly: Medieval Warfare server.


We'll be using the following Steam Workshop mod for this example:


To begin with, you'll need to be logged into your Game Panel Account. Once that's done, you need to head over to the Commandline Manager and then click on the Custom Commandline Tab.


At the top left corner of the container you will find the New button which is used to create a new Custom Commandline, this will allow you to modify the game server launch commands in order to add the Map. Once you've identified the button, press it and a new container will show up where you can type the mod details.


The mod details corresponding to our example above are the following:


Map Name: AOCFFA-DuelYard_p

Mod Name: Duel Yard (FFA)

Steam Workshop ID(*): 200205982


Now that we know the basic details of our Workshop Mod, we'll make sure to type them on each text field and also make sure to tick the box on the left to ensure that the Commandline Parameter is enabled.

Here's how it should look once you've typed all the mod details in the correct fields:

Once you've typed all the details and made sure they all match up properly, hit the Save button and your server will be ready to run the map.


If your server isn't applying the changes, make sure that the commandline is selected by clicking Select right next to Edit, it should say Selected when it's active.


If your server was running when you saved the commandline, it will automatically restart to apply the changes.

  • chilvary, medieval warfare, chivalry medieval warfare, steam workshop map
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