To add yourself as an admin, you need to edit the Users.cfg file located in the Game Panel...
Convert a Modded server to Community serverThis guide will tell you on how to convert your Rust Modded server with Oxide to Community server...
Custom Map via URL1) Navigate to the Commandline Manager > Custom Commandlines and create a new Commandline.2)...
GeoIP Locked Server ListingPlease Note that Rust Servers are GeoIP locked in the server list. Example: If you are in Japan...
How to Configure your ServerThe following basic guide will show you how to configure your Rust ServerNote: We suggest you...
How to add a server header image to your Rust ServerWithin this knowledgebase, you’ll learn how to add a server header Image to your Rust Server...
How to set a scheduled restart for your RUST serverPlease follow the steps below: Go to the Game Panel Scheduled Tasks tab. Click on New and...
Installing Oxide and Oxide PluginsHow to install Oxide and Oxide plugins Note: Running a Steam Update after installing Oxide will...
Rust CommandsRust supports RCON, this can be used via Rusty Rust console Commands Command...
Using the Oxide Mod ManagerWithin this knowledgebase, you’ll learn how to utilise the new UMod mod manager to simply install...
Websocket RCON browser Facepunch issueThis guide will help you on how to use the Facepunch WebRCon on your Rust dedicated game server....
Wiping Rust BlueprintsStep 1: Log into your game control panel. Step 2: View your game service. Step 3: Stop the RUST...
Wiping Rust ServerHow to wipe your Rust Server Step 1: Log into your game control panel. Step 2: View your game...